Smoke As Medicine

When we think of herbal medicine, images of teas, salves and tinctures are conjured in the mind, but in fact, smoke is one of the oldest forms of herbal medicine on the planet.

Fire, like water or alcohol, can liberate the medicinal properties in plants. When inhaled, herbal smoke is one of the fastest methods for delivering phytochemicals to the bloodstream, making it helpful in situations where quick acting relief is needed.

Smoking herbs and plants has been a practice for centuries, used for various reasons such as medicinal, spiritual, or recreational purposes. With the advent of modern technology, new and innovative methods of inhalation have emerged, such as the herb and plant-based inhalation technology used by Flowra.

We’ll explore the potential benefits of herb and plant smoking for health and wellness across different categories.



Respiratory Health

One of the most significant benefits of herb and plant smoking is the reduced risk of lung damage and respiratory problems compared to traditional smoking methods. This is because herb and plant smoking methods typically do not involve the combustion of the plant material, which can release harmful toxins into the lungs. As a result, individuals who smoke herbs and plants may experience a lower incidence of bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) compared to tobacco smokers. Furthermore, studies have shown that herb and plant smoking can improve lung function and increase lung capacity, making it a potentially beneficial alternative for individuals with respiratory issues.


Mental Health

Herb and plant smoking has been found to have a positive impact on mental health, with many individuals reporting reduced stress and anxiety after smoking certain herbs or plants. Some herbs, such as chamomile and lavender, are known for their calming properties and can promote relaxation and a sense of tranquility. Additionally, certain herbs and plants, such as cannabis, have been found to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. Smoking herbs and plants can also enhance creativity and productivity, making it a potential aid for those who require focus and inspiration in their work.


Physical Health

Many plants when burned release relaxing volatile oils and other analgesic compounds that can provide pain relief for things like earache, back pain, or toothache but the most commonly cited use for analgesic smoke is headaches and migraines.

Herb and plant smoking has been associated with a range of physical health benefits. For example, smoking herbs such as turmeric or ginger can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body, while smoking peppermint or chamomile can aid in digestion and alleviate gastrointestinal issues. Furthermore, smoking herbs and plants can offer pain relief for chronic conditions such as arthritis or back pain. Studies have also found that smoking cannabis can reduce nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients.


General Wellness

The benefits of herb and plant smoking aren't just limited to respiratory and mental health. Smoking herbs and plants can also contribute to overall wellness. For example, smoking certain herbs, such as valerian root or passionflower, can improve sleep quality and duration. Other herbs, such as ginseng or yerba mate, can increase energy and focus.

Furthermore, certain herbs and plants, such as echinacea or elderberry, can enhance immune function and disease resistance. Smoking herbs and plants may also reduce dependence on pharmaceuticals, as they can provide natural alternatives for a range of health concerns.
